The Road Not Taken
...Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference...Robert Frost
These last few weeks it seems that I have been on the road called Technology Strand. It has sometimes been hard to see just where I was going and several times I wondered if I was in fact, stranded. I was trying to get back to my photography and make some roads for others to use to get here as well. But there where detours along the way.
It seems that Technology Strand was only the beginning of a very twisted route with a lot of stops starts, delays and a bunch of side streets, some of which I will list here.
Yahoo Street (my old neighborhood )
Domain Transfer Drive (me crazy)

Melbourne IT (sucks)
GoDaddy (You've gone too far this time)
Google Dashboard (bang your head here)
Time Metrics (I'm running late as it is)
Traffic Sources (Beep Outta my way)
Password (Memory Lane)
Analytics Academy Road
Support (not so Super Highway)

Merry Christmas,
and yes that is me
probably asking Santa
for a BB gun!
I am still (a kid)
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